Full Name
Phil Archer
Professional Title
Web Solutions Director
GS1 Global Office
Speaker Biography
Phil Archer joined GS1 in July 2017 to bring an in-depth knowledge of the Web to the world of supply chains for retail, healthcare and more. Early projects include Mobile Ready Hero Images (product images optimized for display on small screens to users with zero attention span), expanding GS1's extension to the schema.org vocabulary, and most fundamentally, GS1 Digital Link. That's the standard that embeds GS1 identifiers within Web URIs, making products first class citizens of the Web. These projects and more draw on his long experience at W3C, the industry standards body for the World Wide Web. While there, Phil coordinated W3C's work in the Semantic Web and related technologies. The role at GS1 is therefore an application of work done previously at W3C, making product data more accessible and maximizing its potential for brand owners, manufacturers, retailers and consumers.
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