603: Strengthen Your Core Data to Build Visibility Muscle
Session Track
Standards & Tech
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Location Name
Theater 6

Visibility Series Part 1 of 3: Keep your core strong and good things will follow. This is true for many things, including sharing accurate data with trading partners. When foundational data like Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), Global Location Numbers (GLNs), product classification, and core attributes provide a solid base, visibility into your supply chain will likely follow. In this session, you’ll understand how to leverage data sharing standards and tools to advance your specific business process use cases. Topics will include the Global Data Synchronization Network™ (GDSN®), Global Data Model (GDM), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS), Verified by GS1 (VBG) with explanations of each and how they relate to each other.